SuperSpeed Golf News

Grip Strength Pilot Study
Dr Tyler StandifirdAssistant Professor of Biomechanics at Utah Valley University This study was conducted to look at the effectiveness of a golf specific grip training aid on both grip strength...
Grip Strength Pilot Study
Dr Tyler StandifirdAssistant Professor of Biomechanics at Utah Valley University This study was conducted to look at the effectiveness of a golf specific grip training aid on both grip strength...

Grip Strength Correlations to Speed
As a general observation as a golf coach, a player’s grip strength has always seemed to correlate to that player’s ability to create swing speed. I have observed this phenomenon...
Grip Strength Correlations to Speed
As a general observation as a golf coach, a player’s grip strength has always seemed to correlate to that player’s ability to create swing speed. I have observed this phenomenon...

Senior Golf SuperSpeed Case study with Ron Grin...
47 Senior Golfers under the instruction of Ron Gring at Terravita Golf & Country Club in Arizona participated in a 6 week speed training group class utilizing the SuperSpeed Golf...
Senior Golf SuperSpeed Case study with Ron Grin...
47 Senior Golfers under the instruction of Ron Gring at Terravita Golf & Country Club in Arizona participated in a 6 week speed training group class utilizing the SuperSpeed Golf...

Does More Speed Training Equal More Speed?
Does training more often equal more speed gained? This is a question we often get from SuperSpeed Golf users and is something that many players wonder when it comes to...
Does More Speed Training Equal More Speed?
Does training more often equal more speed gained? This is a question we often get from SuperSpeed Golf users and is something that many players wonder when it comes to...

Heel Stomp Basics
The Heel Stomp drill is another very important piece of the SuperSpeed Golf Overspeed training system. Included in the Level 2 SuperSpeed protocol, we find combining the Heel Stomp drill...
Heel Stomp Basics
The Heel Stomp drill is another very important piece of the SuperSpeed Golf Overspeed training system. Included in the Level 2 SuperSpeed protocol, we find combining the Heel Stomp drill...

Study: Golfers who did this 3x per week gained ...
By the end of the six weeks, golfers had gained, on average, 6.4 miles per hour with their driver compared with their baseline test, measured at the start of the...
Study: Golfers who did this 3x per week gained ...
By the end of the six weeks, golfers had gained, on average, 6.4 miles per hour with their driver compared with their baseline test, measured at the start of the...