Developing The Most Comprehensive Training App in Golf

Developing The Most Comprehensive Training App in Golf

The Brand New SuperSpeed Golf App - Background, Development and Features

For a number of years now we have identified a significant opportunity in the speed training space - the development of a comprehensive mobile application to guide users through an optimal speed training program. There are many apps in the marketplace that provide swing analysis, swing drills, and even fitness drills for golf. Although many of these platforms are successful, none of them are able to create and manage all the aspects that go into a tour level speed training program. 

The task of creating an application that can reach the largest possible audience and integrates multiple aspects that can affect speed and power has been an intense task. This project has taken over two years to complete and will continue to grow with planned updates and releases. Our app is available on both Android and IOS platforms with a shared database pushing data to all users.

What does it take to create a truly comprehensive speed training program? At SuperSpeed we have built these types of programs for many tour professionals who have consulted with us about their games.. With this application, we are bringing these cutting edge programs to every golfer. Our OverSpeed Training programs have shown success for hundreds of thousands of golfers around the world and are a critical part of a complete speed and power program. These programs tend to show good gains, especially at the initial undertaking of a speed program. However, getting progressive gains over time require much more than just doing our OverSpeed Training programs and require detailed customization of the training for each individual’s specific needs. This starts with things as simple as a warm-up. We have multiple levels of warm-up protocols in our app for different levels of players helping to optimize the results in the speed training. 

We have also found great success with our Counterweight Training protocols designed to optimize club delivery into impact. Our SuperSpeed Squeeze protocols have revolutionized the traditional thinking about grip strength and its effects on the golf swing. These protocols can be vitally important to players who have a deficiency in grip strength. We also feel that golf specific fitness plays a major role for many players in optimizing their speed and power. We have partnered with Jason Glass, a PGA Tour trainer and Head of the TPI Fitness Advisory Board, to create programs to help players work on golf-specific physical fitness areas including mobility, lower body strength, core strength, and upper body strength. We also know that swing mechanics are vitally important to optimizing speed and power. We’ve created multiple protocol levels for improving ground reaction forces, sequencing, and wrist mechanics. The final piece of a complete program involves application of swing speed to ball speed. Our ball speed application protocols  will be a keystone in helping players take their gains to the golf course. 

We know that there is a lot to manage for each player with all the different types of training needed to truly optimize a speed and power program. We have to personalize each of our speed training programs for each player’s individual needs, prioritizing what aspects to work on over the course of the program. Our app algorithms make this simple and easy for each user. The process begins by creating a profile in the app where we will collect some information about the player’s golf game. Then the player will go through a self-physical assessment entering data about a number of functional movement patterns. This gives us great insight into how that player will likely create speed and power in their swing. The player will then go through a speed assessment where we will collect data on their club speed, ball speed, and carry distance with a driver and 7 Iron. With all of this data, we are able to recommend an optimal course of action for maximizing each player’s speed that includes a combination of all of our possible training protocols.

The application will also have a robust system of analytics to track progress across many different aspects of the program. From simple functions like tracking the number of protocol sessions to make recommendations of when to move on to the next level, to advanced analytics monitoring the progress of swing speed with our various training clubs related to actual ball speed and carry distance.

To optimize all the data the app collects, we have created a new calculation called Distance Factor, which takes into account all variables of ball flight relating actual carry distance to club head speed. Users will be shown their “Carry Distance Factor” and “Total Distance Factor”. Users will also be able to dig deep into their individual session data to learn a great deal about their optimal time to train, specific strengths and weaknesses and much more. Our app will track actual yardage gains, club speed, ball speed, session effort score, and trends related to all of these metrics.

Users will also be able to earn various “achievements” that come with badges during the course of using the app. This is a way to help players achieve goals of completing programs, making certain percentage speed gains, and comparing their dominant and non-dominant swings. These features will make speed training fun and help players stay motivated along the course of the program.

We will also have interactive leaderboards that will allow users to see how their speed data compares with other users. Users will be able to sort this data by age, handicap range, gender, and many other aspects. This will allow players to see how they stack up against the competition and compete with others..

After the initial launch we are planning to add more new training protocols, new training tools, a SuperSpeed Connect platform allowing users to get program advice directly from our team, and a coaches platform that will allow certified coaches to create custom groups of players and communicate with their students. 

We will be launching this platform with a free basic version and a premium version. The basic version will allow users access to our speed training protocols and data analytics on their club speed. The premium version will open up the floodgates of a truly comprehensive speed training program. 

We hope the new SuperSpeed app provides the most comprehensive solution to assist players in gaining speed. 

Visit for more information.

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